I love many, many things and I don’t ever want nor plan to settle down to one—how can I when the list grows every day? Writing is the one that runs through my head like a pack of gremlins and therefore gets most my attention.
But I also love to...
- get closer and closer to being a polyglot, scream about writing characters in Mandarin, and, er, start Arabic, Korean, Italian... you get the idea
- be easily distracted by rocks (pet peeve alert: the fact that “granite” countertops aren’t usually the rock granite—like why?! Just call it what it is!)
- explore new places (about to go on a Big American Adventure in April! Three month road trip! Eeeep!)
- create a Notion page for every idea and interest I have (you... don’t want to know how many Notion pages I have)
- read books that help me grow and learn (OBSESSED with Refuse to Choose by Barbara Sher, Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldburg, and Better Human by Ronda Conger)
- and many, many more
If you want to read about any of these, check out my journal
I plan to talk about whichever is interesting me at the time or random musings or stories about what’s going on in my life~